About co-regulation

If you know the power of a good, well-timed hug you already know about co-regulation.
Co-regulation is what happens when our nervous systems settle and find balance through connecting with someone we trust. This often involves another human, but animals can be great co-regulating buddies, too — see the kitten co-regulation happening above. Sometimes co-regulation involves touch, like a hug or cuddle. Sometimes it just involves presence; a long walk, a chat, or quiet time together.
Co-regulating with bodywork, specifically, can reap huge benefits. Whether you simply want to practice being still and noticing what’s happening in your body, or you want to heal the effects of trauma in your system, the support that bodywork offers is a powerful tool for awakening our embodied awareness.
Craniosacral bodyworkers pair compassionate, attentive presence with skilled, knowing hands which amps up the power of co-regulation. This is what biodynamic craniosacral therapy (BCST) is, at its core. We notice, together, what’s happening in your body and watch what happens when your body feels safe and supported — often, this opens up space for old patterns to unwind and release, and for new shapes to emerge.
Co-regulation feels great. Folks often leave BCST sessions feeling deeply relaxed, more present, lighter, more spacious, in less pain. Offering your body that chance to slow down, settle, and be witnessed can be a powerful gift.
And the great news is that every time we have an experience of feeling more safe, embodied, and present, every time we notice new depths and specificity of sensation in our bodies, the easier it becomes to access those experiences. Embodied healing work is rooted in practice. Through repetition, we build and strengthen new pathways and grow into new ways of holding and moving with all the things that life throws at us. This is how we can align our embodied responses with our values and commitments.
This is why I opted to call my practice “touchstone craniosacral”. I think of our sessions as touchstones we create together; experiences of feeling held and safe in our bodies, experiences that become embodied memories that we can touch into down the road. Just like mindfulness practices and breathing exercises, experiences of co-regulation become tools in our toolkits for grounding, centring, staying present and aware. I’d love to work together to explore what this could look like for you.
For any more questions about BCST and what a session with me looks like, head to:
- My website, touchstonecraniosacral.com
- Send me an email at catherine.a.turnbull@gmail.com
- Give me a call (902-483-8353)
I’m looking forward to hearing from you,
Catherine Turnbull, Biodynamic Craniosacral Therapist (BCST)